Thursday, September 7, 2006

CrossCreek Court

The home of McCrory & Associates, LLC.
Madison, Mississippi
Land Planning & Landscape Architecture:  McCrory & Associates.
Buldings designed by Patty Jensen.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Magnolia Street Studio

This is a fun little remodel project that turned out really nice.  This is an old garage that was turned into an commercial office studio.  From the old picture below, you will notice the overgrown cane and stuff stored inside.  We recommended raising the roof to a more appropriate pitch and adding some architectural character.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Seattle Drip - Double Drive Thru Coffee Shop

Client:  Gary Slade - Seattle Drip Coffee Company
Location:  Brandon, Mississippi

We have been working with Seattle Drip for several years with their different prototypes on several different sites.  The buildings have changed over time from being built on site with normal construction methods to a more refined streamlined method of building the structures in a controlled environment and shipping them to the site.  This was the first prototype contructed and installed in this manner.

For more information about the Seattle Drip Coffee Company, please visit their website.