Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Safe Routes to School - Case Studies Trip

We are currently working on the Safe Routes to School project for the City of Madison.  If you are interested in seeing more information on Madison's Safe Routes to School program, please check out their blog.

In researching other trails and programs, we made a case studies trip to Birmingham, Alabama and Chattanooga, Tennessee to visit with officials and groups to find out what has been successful in their projects and what road blocks we may encounter.

In Birmingham, this easement allowed a more direct path between two residences to the school property.

While in Chattanooga, we visited with the staff at Outdoor Chattanooga.  These guys were gracious with lending us bikes and taking us on a tour of downtown Chattanooga along their network of greenways, bridges, and roadside trails.
Alan Hoops - City of Madison Director of Community Planning

Chris Pace - City of Madison's Project Coordinator